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Featuring Kagome Thai Red Curry

Yields: 10 servings

1 quart – Kagome Red Curry Sauce
4 (8 ounces total) – Small Carrots
2 small (10 ounces total) – Bell Peppers, sliced
2 medium (8 ounces total) – Onions, sliced
8 ounces – Fresh Green Beans, trimmed, sliced
2 14-ounce packages – Extra Firm Tofu, drained, cubed
2 quarts + 2 cups – Cooked Brown Rice, hot
1 cup – Fresh Basil Leaves, garnish


  1. Heat a large wok or saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Add Kagome Red Curry Sauce to pan and bring to heat.
  3. Add bell carrots, bell peppers, onions, and green beans, and cook, stirring frequently, for about 7 minutes, until vegetables are just crisp-tender (do not overcook).
  4. Add tofu and kale, and gently combine, heating for an additional 2 minutes, until kale is wilted, yet bright, and mixture is heated through.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. To serve: Place 1 cup cooked brown rice on a serving dish or bowl. Top with 1 ½ cups vegetable tofu curry. Garnish with fresh basil leaves (about 1 ½ tablespoons each). Serve immediately.